by mid September you will notice the first October caddis fluttering over the alder trees.
This hatch cranks up through September and into October. While these are large insects and would make a fine meal for a trout, they are great flyers and rarely get caught on the river's surface. They are largely unavailable to the trout until they begin to grow weak towards the end of their life cycle. In our experience it pays to have a few patterns handy (golden stonefly imitations work fine), as trout can sometimes be found feeding on October caddis in isolated situations.
Once the weather turns cool and cloudy again in the fall Blue Winged Olive mayflies return. Mirroring their spring appearance, the best fishing is usually mid day in foamy backeddies and slower riffles. Some of the very best dry fly fishing we have ever seen on the Deschutes has been during late October with BWO's. This hatch will extend into November until the weather turns freezing cold.